Generations apart - but Newham's residents are the first to kick off the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations

Jubilee Tea Dance stratford town hall

From the youngest to the most senior - the people of Newham just couldn’t wait to get the party started for Her Majesty’s big 70th bash.

Platinum Jubilee festivities sprang up in a red, white and blue blaze – with some of the Borough’s youngest and oldest coming together to celebrate The Queen’s record breaking 70-year reign as Monarch.

It was fitting that our most senior residents – who share the longest generational links with Her Majesty – got the ball rolling with two special events in the grand surroundings of Stratford Town Hall on Thursday and Friday May 26 and 27.

The elders were treated to a slap-up lunch, singalongs, bingo, performance from the children of St Helen’s school choir Plaistow, afternoon tea - all rounded off by a good old knees up and a luxury goody bag to take home.

Among the guests was Edna Slight, who at 92, was one of our oldest party-goers. She remembers seeing the Queen when she visited Green Street, and also has vivid memories of Coronation Day.

Edna from Forest Gate said; “My husband was a policemen and was on duty in London when the Queen was crowned 70 years ago. I remember it was a very long day, but he came back with a boomerang from an Australian family! He said the family gave him the gift because he had lifted their young son on his shoulders to get a glimpse of the Queen as she came past. I still have the boomerang up in the house.”

Edna was particularly delighted by the choice of Eton Mess as a dessert; “It’s been a lovely day and Eton Mess is my favourite.” She beamed.

Rev Emily Obiri-Yeboa was in her native Ghana when the Queen came to the throne, but she came to Newham in 1968, to work as a nurse at St Thomas’ Hospital. Emily says one of the main connections she has always felt with the Queen is through her spirituality, and she says; “I feel like I know them (the Royal family) and I see them in my dreams. She is so beautiful and I believe God is using her as a servant – not just of the UK but of the Kingdom of God.”

Una Mannion, 83 and her daughter Jean du Pre from West Ham also had memories to share from the Queen’s reign. Jean wasn’t around for the Coronation but remembers the Silver Jubilee.

“Me and some neighbours went up to Hyde Park for the celebrations in 1977. The Queen was there, walking around and greeting the crowds. I had one of those long flat cameras, and managed to get a great picture of her – but then my sister lost the camera on the bus home!”

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz; Councillor Charlene McLean; Chairman of the Council Winston Vaughan; and interim Chief Executive Colin Ansell were all on hand to join the fun.
Cllr McLean, Cabinet Member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience, said:

“These two events have been an absolutely brilliant start to our Platinum Jubilee celebrations. It shows not only the diversity of our borough, but also how we do it best in Newham by coming together as a community to celebrate.”

Not to be outdone our youngsters have also been throwing themselves into a bit of red white and blue bunting frenzy – with cake, bouncy castles, flags, fancy dress thrown in for good royal measure.

Parties were thrown at amongst other schools, Drew Primary in Silvertown and Ranelagh Drew in Custom House.

These shindigs are amongst 111 Community events supported by Newham Council over the across the Jubilee.

So if you’re throwing a Platinum standard bash for her Majesty – we want to hear from you – please tweet out images and details from your events using the hashtags #NewhamCelebrates and #Platinum Jubilee – so we can all join in the fun!

Published: 01 Jun 2022