Newham Council’s latest Community Safety Days of Actions have hit back hard at people who fly tip and cause anti-social behaviour.
Council officers from a range of services and the Police tackled many issues that the community wants us to take action on, including:
- Issuing 20 Fixed Penalty Notices for a range of offences
- Searching 167 fly tips for evidence
- Issuing 22 Trade Waste Producer Notices to businesses requiring them to produce a valid trade waste disposal contract
The Green Street Neighbourhood Day of Action on Wednesday 25 May, which covered Green Street East, Green Street West and Boleyn Wards, and the borough wide initiative on Sunday 29 May, focused on crime and anti-social behaviour issues and hotspots.
Officers from the Community Safety Team, worked in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, Licensing, Trading Standards, Housing, Parking Enforcement, and Cleansing to tackle issues.
Crime and anti-social behaviour hotspots and problematic locations had been identified using Council data. Officers patrolled the hotspot areas and every street, park and green space during the course of the days.
Cllr Carleene Lee-Phakoe, Cabinet Member for Crime and Community Safety, said:
“Our Community Safety Days of action are hitting back hard at the people who disrespect our communities. Our residents have made it clear that they don’t want to see anti-social behaviour on their streets and in our community. These targeted days allow us to bring together a range of Council services with the Police and really tackle issues in a clear and comprehensive way.
“The most recent days of action have tackled fly-tipping, street drinking and a range of other undesirable activities which we will not tolerate occurring on the streets of Newham. We carried out Blue Badge fraud checks. Our team discovered a stolen Blue Badge and immediately removed the vehicle to the car pound. We are taking immediate action wherever we can.
“As well as all the Enforcement action, we also gave lots of positive advice throughout the days. We spoke with many businesses about trade waste, as well as some trading standards checks to ensure businesses are compliant.
“The days of action also gave us the opportunity to speak with residents about what we are doing to tackle anti-social behaviour as we get stuff done in Newham.“
The outcomes from the days were:
- 3 Fixed Penalty Notices for commercial fly tipping
- 1 Fixed Penalty Notice for domestic fly tipping
- 1 Fixed penalty notice for illegal advertising
- 7 Fixed Penalty Notices for illegal street trading
- 3 Fixed Penalty Notices for highway obstruction
- 1 Fixed Penalty Notice for vehicle repairs on the highway
- 1 Fixed Penalty Notice for breach of waste receptacle notice
- 167 fly tips searched for evidence
- 23 fly tips found with evidence, which will now be followed up
- 3 x Fixed penalty notice issued for littering
- 35 Community Protection Warning notices issued for waste in front gardens
- 37 commercial waste disposal visits
- 23 trade waste producer notices issued
- 2 commercial waste receptacle control notices issued
- 6 overgrown hedge notices issued
- 4 abandoned vehicle notices issued. The vehicles were removed.
- 12 Public Space Protection Order street drinking warnings – with the alcohol surrendered
- 1 referral to Planning Enforcement for a dangerous structure
- 4 Highways defect referrals
- 22 Blue Badge checks
- 1 stolen Blue Badge and the vehicle removed to the car pound
- I vehicle with no license plates
- 1 house of multiple occupation referral
- 1 Stop & Search
- 1 Community Resolution Order - Cannabis
- 13 tower block patrols (Anti-social behaviour and Housing)
- 3 Trading Standards visits -
- 1 referral for licensing violation (selling individual beer cans)
- Weapon sweep on Vale Road, in Plashet Park and in Priory Park
- 1 prosecution for 14 black bags , 4 laundry bags , 5 boxes
- 2 Community Protection Warnings issued to individuals reported to be persistently begging on High Street North
- 20 Love Clean Street referrals
- 10 immediate removals to the Cleansing service