Community information event held to support Ukrainians in Newham

As the situation in the Ukraine worsens and the crisis develops, Newham Council is offering its Ukrainian Residents full support.

The Council together with partners NHS, The Renewal Programme, Praxis and Ramfel hosted an information event on Monday 21st March at Stratford Library.

Newham has the largest population of Ukrainians in the country and understands they are going through a lot with regards to the suffering of their friends and families in Ukraine. The information event offered Ukrainian residents the opportunity to get advice on visa applications and information on the Ukrainian Family Scheme for those expecting family and friend staying with them in the UK. Ukrainian residents also received information on how to register families with healthcare services, as well as education and financial support for when they arrive.

Newham Council will be offering ongoing support to Ukrainian residents and arrivals as the situation develops. Residents who would like to find out more information about the support available in Newham or how they can support those affected by the crisis, can visit

Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz, OBE, said: “We are all watching the horrific events in the Ukraine unfold and we must all pay a part in supporting Ukrainians both in the Ukraine and in our own borough during these awful time. Newham Council is doing all it can to be ready to assist those in need. It is a tragedy that we have been here before, most recently with Afghanistan, but as borough I know our residents, communities and businesses will do all it can to help during this crisis.

“I want our Ukrainian population to know that we are here to help and support them in any way we can.”

For more information please contact: Mica Marshall in the Communications team, London Borough of Newham,

Published: 21 Mar 2022