Give your broken items a new lease of life

Don’t bin your broken items, mend them. That’s the message of the Repair Café which is being set up in Stratford Library on Saturday 19 March between 11am – 2pm.

The free initiative at the library in 3 The Grove, supported by Newham Council, is part of London Repair Week organised by the East London Waste Authority to help address the climate emergency.
Repairing certain items instead of buying new means:

  • the use of fewer virgin materials to make the products
  • less water and energy is used in the production process
  • fewer emissions and transport impacts
  • money savings for the consumer.

Local reuse organisations will be available at the Repair Cafe to help residents mend items and show how basic repairs can be done at home. Organisations include: Baby Bank HQ, Trailnet CIC for free bike MOTs and TCLReUse which is offering small furniture and electrical repairs.

You can register: or 0208 724 5803 (Option 2)

Find out more:

Published: 11 Mar 2022