Majority of pupils in Newham get one of top three preferred secondary schools

Almost 94 per cent of all pupils in Newham have been offered one of their first three preferred secondary schools on National Offer Day (Tuesday 1 March). 

A total of 4,333 Newham residents applied for places in the borough’s secondary schools by the national closing date of 31 October 2021. More than 96 per cent of applicants were offered a place at one of their preferred schools to start in September 2022 according to London wide admission data.

This is an increase on last year’s figures when 90.7 per cent of pupils were offered a place at one of their top three preferred schools.

Councillor Sarah Ruiz said: “We are very proud of our secondary schools which deliver excellent results, producing some of the country’s best performing students. I am delighted we have been able to offer places for the large majority of our young people at one of their three preferred local schools.

“Demand for our secondary schools is high and through our Places for All strategy, we have been able to increase the number of school places available by investing in our schools through expansion and working closely with them to ensure they can provide a first-class education to as many young people as possible. I hope many young people today are happy with the news they have received and are looking forward to the next stage of their education in September.”

Only 153 pupils (3.5 per cent) applicants who applied before the deadline could not be offered a place at any of their preferred schools and these young people were allocated alternative places at the closest school to their home which had places remaining.

In addition, 289 pupils who live outside the borough were offered a place in Newham secondary schools. Of this number, 70 children had a sibling at the school still expected to be enrolled in September.

Published: 02 Mar 2022