Get involved in co-designing the vision for Beckton’s green spaces

Image from Hot Chocolate event

Newham Council is asking residents to get involved with the Beckton Parks Masterplan – an exciting vision for the future of green spaces across Beckton and Custom House.

Newham’s Cabinet, at its meeting on Tuesday 8 February, discussed the community engagement that is now underway with residents to develop a plan for the network of parks stretching across the area.

The green spaces include open parkland, wood areas, green walkways, more traditional parks and a lake as well as sports pitches and children’s play areas.

Councillor James Asser, Cabinet Member for Environment, Highways and Sustainable Transport, said:

“The Beckton Parks Masterplan will be an exciting future vision for the green spaces in Beckton and Custom House.

“We have already started a conversation with local residents, schools and the wider community, about what they would like to see across these exciting green spaces. 

“Co-designing the vision with the community is at the heart of this work and we are looking forward to seeing what ideas and suggestions the local community comes forward with.

“The area has a large amount of parkland, sports pitches and greenspace. We are taking the opportunity to find out what local people would like to see in this area and what sort of facilities people want. 

“We have an ambition of linking these parks together to create a network of greenspace that will work for the local community, create new opportunities and facilities, especially for families and children, for the years ahead.

 “This is a once in a generation opportunity to deliver a high-quality green space that enhances the sustainability and biodiversity of the area as well as supporting the health and wellbeing of the borough's residents.”

Social enterprise organisation, Street Space, who specialise in working with people to re-imagine their streets and spaces are leading on a number of different events, activities and collaborations with the local community. The thoughts, ideas and ambitions that are gathered will form the community-led vision for the future of the masterplan area.

A series of drop-in pop up events, where residents can talk about what they want to see from the masterplan will run to April. Upcoming events include.

  • Saturday 19 February at Beckton Corridor & King George V Park
  • Saturday 5 March at Beckton District Park North/South & New Beckton Park
  • Saturday 19 March at Beckton District Park North/South & New Beckton Park
  • Sunday 3 April at Lidl and Asda (Beckton)

The areas included within the masterplan are Beckton District Park (North and South) New Beckton Park, Beckton Corridor, King George V Park and former Newham City Farm.

Cllr Asser added:

“Out of a difficult decision to close the Newham City Farm last year there is an exciting opportunity to develop, jointly with the local community, something exciting for the future.

“The former Newham City Farm site did not meet the ongoing needs of the animals or visitors and presented a risk to both the animals and visitors and was in need of significant improvements.

“The Council had previously brought in external organisations to run the site but unfortunately successive organisations have been unable to maintain the farm and it is no longer feasible to operate in its current form.

“We have committed to the farm site remaining a publicly accessible green space for the community and have said we will explore the potential for future animal provision within the parks.

“We want everyone to get involved in the conversations we are now having.”

Anyone can get involved now by coming along to one of the engagement sessions taking place from now through to April. Details of the engagement sessions and further information on the masterplan can be found on the website

Following this engagement phase, landscape architects and designers will continue to work with residents to create a series of designs that will be consulted on. This will lead to the final vision for the Beckton Parks Masterplan later this year.

Published: 09 Feb 2022