Mayor Fiaz appeals to world leaders to respond to moment of urgency at COP26 and avert leadership failure.

The UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties taking place in Glasgow, kicked off with the start of the World Leaders Summit yesterday.

They’ll be making a cacophony of noise about their commitment to averting the climate crisis and its impending disaster are responsible for 80 percent of the world’s carbon emissions - and that includes the United Kingdom. Even the UK Prime Minister has cast doubt on the success of COP26 already, following the meeting of G20 Leaders over the weekend - suggesting it risks failing.
We all know that time is running out, and that we are at ‘one minute to midnight’, that’s why we need them to show urgency in global leadership and action to achieve the 2015 Paris Agreement, limiting global temperature rising to 1.5 degree through credible Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).

Despite what global leaders say, the United Nations has said that their current NDC pledges will result in a catastrophic rise in temperature of some 2.7 degrees which is why we need more radical action from them now - with trillions amounts of money needed.

We all know the Climate Emergency is a reality. Back in July, Newham hospital and Pudding Lane DLR station flooded because of the impact of the climate crisis.
That’s why here at the Council, we have been determined to play our part since we declared a climate emergency back in 2019, with a credible action plan and soon the Council’s first ever Green Budget.

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be putting forward to the government, a series of additional actions we want to implement locally - based on what we are already doing as well as some innovations, and a demand for the money they should already be giving us to address the climate and health emergency impacting our people and the planet.
Leading by example is important, that’s why earlier this month, I signed the UK100 agreement which is the most ambitious plan for local government, pledging to achieve zero emissions in Council operations by 2030 and in the borough by 2045.

You can keep up with the Newham case for action on the Climate Emergency on our dedicated webpage during the next crucial two weeks, which will also include actions all of us can take on an individual level as we go about our daily lives and in our neighbourhoods.

As your Mayor, I will always fight for what Newham and our people need now and in the future.

Information about Newham Climate Now

Published: 01 Nov 2021