Council launches Adult Autism survey

Adult Autism survey

Newham Council has today (31 August) launched a survey for autistic adults and their carers to help improve support services in the borough.

Feedback received will inform and refresh the Newham Autism Strategy for Adults, as residents and carers will be able to explain what services and support are working well and what needs to be improved.

Cllr Zulfiqar Ali, Lead member for Health and Adult Social Care said: “We want to ensure we are offering residents in Newham the best possible care that we can. So it’s really important that we hear from our autistic adults and carers and take on board what more we can do to help them feel supported and stay happy and healthy.”

The adult autism survey will run for 6 weeks, until Monday 11th October and is open to those aged 18 or older who are autistic and live in Newham.

This includes:

  • Those who live at home with parents/carers, or who live in a placement (care home, supported living, Shared Lives or residential colleges) inside or outside of Newham, but paid for by Newham Adult Social Care, or NHS Newham (the Clinical Commissioning Group). 
  • If you think that you are autistic, but have not had a diagnosis (or are waiting for a diagnosis). 
  • If you are an unpaid carer, family member or friend who supports an autistic adult (who meets the criteria above). 

For a copy of the survey in an Easyread format, for details of the drop-in’s in Newham libraries, or for support via the telephone helpline, residents and carers can visit our Autism Survey page for more information or email


Published: 31 Aug 2021