Thank a Teacher Day

Thank a Teacher Day

On thank a teacher day, the council recognises the contributions of Head Teacher Ben Levinson-OBE.

Ben Levinson-OBE

This year, Kensington Primary School’s very own Head Teacher Mr Ben Levinson has been selected to receive an OBE. This Honour pays tribute to Ben, recognising his contribution to not just Kensington Primary School and The Tapscott Learning Trust but, to the wider education sector and local communities.

Ben joined The Tapscott Learning Trust’s Kensington Primary School (Newham, London) nearly 8 years ago. Having gained significant experience in leading change, transforming organisations, building productive cultures, and improving standards, he has gone on to lead Kensington to its current status of a flagship school in all manner of areas from inclusion and wellbeing and most recently winning three extremely prestigious awards in 2020:

  • TES Award – Wellbeing and Mental Health Winner
  • Silver Pearson Award – Excellence in Special Needs Education
  • Gold Pearson Award – Primary School of the Year for Making a Difference

Under Ben’s guidance, Kensington Primary has launched an innovative new curriculum at the school, specifically developed to provide the very best outcomes for the school’s children.

Ben’s far reaching impact stretches far beyond the school gates at Kensington. Ben is currently a Member of the Department of Education: Expert Advisory Group on Wellbeing

  • Head Teacher Ambassador for the Youth Sport Trust
  • Board Member for the Well Schools Movement, backed by the Youth Sport Trust and the BUPA Foundation.
  • Board Member for the Children’s Social Care Improvement Board
  • Primary School Representative for the Newham Safeguarding Children Partnership
  • Chair of the Performance and Quality Assurance sub-group for the NSCP
  • Chair of Newham Had Teacher’s Safeguarding and Social Care sub-group
  • Board Member for the NewDay Legacy Project
  • One of 50 Change Makers identified to promote Newham’s 3 year Health and Wellbeing Strategy.

Ben has credited his own education on this special occasion giving special thanks to:

  • Oxhey Early Years Nursery (Hertfordshire)
  • Bromet Primary School in Watford
  • Watford Grammar School for Boys

Quote from Ben – ‘I am struggling to find the words to describe how proud and humbled I am to have received an OBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honours. This really has been a year like no other’

Ben has also said ‘"First and foremost we've looked at what 21st-century education should be," he goes on to explain how the old curriculum was historic and requiring change to make it fit for our children in this day and age, "[the] education we offered was not dissimilar to that in Victorian times. We've really reconstructed the education we give the children."

Newham being one of the most deprived boroughs in the country presents a whole variety of challenges. Kensington Primary has a "very mixed community", with 99% of the children from the black and ethnic minority community and 95% having English as a second language.

Everyone at Kensington and The Tapscott Learning Trust are so exceptionally proud of Ben for this incredible, well deserved achievement. Mr Paul Harris (CEO of The Tapscott Learning Trust) has said ‘Amazing news Ben, we are all so very proud of this for you. This amazing achievement is very fitting’

Anita Stewart (Director of Education, Inclusion and Achievement for Children and Young People in Newham) has said; ‘I was made aware of this fantastic achievement over the weekend. A huge congratulations to Ben and recognition for his contribution for services to education. This OBE is testament to the quality and impact of the Leaders we have within our education community in Newham.’

‘Ben is so special. Imagine being able to clone him!’  (A Governor at Kensington Primary School)

‘You are an inspirational individual, a visionary leader and indeed you are a winner!’ (A member of staff at Kensington)

Twitter: @MrLev @LearnTapscott

Published: 23 Jun 2021