Census Day on Sunday 21 March

The Census is being carried out this Sunday and will provide a picture of the people and households across the borough and throughout England, Wales and NI.

Completing the census will help make important funding decisions about vital services our community needs, including transport, education and healthcare for the next ten years. It’s estimated that the annual grant funding the council receives from central government for each Newham resident equates to around £600, amounting to £6000 per person over the decade until the next Census is due to be conducted.  

It is a legal requirement to complete the census which is run by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) every 10 years and takes around 10 minutes to complete.

Newham residents can complete the questionnaire either online or request a paper form. You can access guidance about the census translated into other languages by visiting the ONS website. If you need help you can click here for the Census webpage, or call the free language helpline 0800 587 2021.


Published: 19 Mar 2021