Race Equality Week - Tackling inequality, racism and disproportionality in Newham

Race Equality Week - Tackling inequality, racism and disproportionality in Newham.

A virtual gallery to celebrate Newham’s cultural history; a street names audit; a digital inclusion strategy; a business pledge to promote inclusion, and a staff survey on racism are among measures to tackle inequality and racism announced this Race Equality Week (Feb 1-7, 2021).

Following its pledge to tackle racism, inequality and disproportionality in the borough, Newham Council today (February 1) confirmed latest measures to understand and address issues facing residents and council staff.

The programme has four main areas of focus: the role of Newham Council as an employer; the role of the council as a beacon of social change; the responsibility of the council to make Newham the best place for children and young people and the council’s duty to deliver greater equality through the services it delivers.

Councillor Rohit Dasgupta Commissioner for Social Integration and Equalities said:

“We are proud that Newham is the most ethnically diverse place in the country, and of the harmony that exists between communities. But the sad reality is that too many of our residents face the same fundamental issues of inequality as the rest of the UK, and it is therefore absolutely right that work to address racism and injustice should start here.

“We are committed to making Newham a fairer, better place, where all our residents – regardless of whether they are Black, of Asian heritage, minority ethnic or from a disadvantaged group – are listened to, have the same life chances, enjoy good health and opportunities, and feel safe where they live.”

The council is introducing Community Time to Talk sessions to encourage residents to engage in conversations about racism, inequality and community cohesion.
Other programme highlights include: 

  • Creating a virtual gallery and heritage offer to celebrate Newham’s cultural history
  • Conducting a street names audit ahead of a consultation with residents on potential changes to, or contextualisation of, problematic names
  • Introducing a digital inclusion strategy to make broadband more accessible to our Black, Asian and minority ethnic residents
  • Signing a business pledge with the Royal Docks Enterprise Zone to promote inclusion throughout Newham businesses
  • Working with youth networks to establish a BAME young adviser’s network and creating a team of facilitators to deliver employability workshops to young black men
  • Establishing a BAME community group under the Health and Wellbeing Board to explore the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on BAME residents 
  • Introducing a new commissioning contract including a clause for good equality practice and ensuring equality standards are adopted in all commissioning
  • Sharing the programme with education and youth work sectors, offering young people, parents and carers opportunities to discuss their experiences of racism and inequality, and supporting schools to tackle these issues
  • Looking beyond Newham’s borders to learn from other boroughs and adopt best practice 

Internally, the council has conducted a staff survey on racism, inequality and disproportionality within the workplace, with the responses being used to develop “next steps” to address issues raised.

The council has also introduced staff “Time to Talk” sessions to offer a safe space to discuss experiences of racism and inequality and build a culture of openness creating a learning environment.

A peer-to-peer mentoring scheme for staff has also been commissioned to generate a deeper understanding of lived experiences and assist the development of our Black, Asian and minority ethnic staff.

Published: 03 Feb 2021