Making the streets of Newham safer, cleaner and more secure

cleaner streets, james beckles

Newham Council has mounted the latest in a series of multi-service days of action on the streets to tackle crime, anti-social behaviour and fly-tipping.

Officers from across the Council joined with partners from the Metropolitan Police to walk the streets of Stratford to talk to residents about issues which affect their daily lives.

During the three days of action officers were joined by Cabinet lead for Crime and Community Safety, Councillor James Beckles, who saw first-hand the impact such events can have on the local environment and residents.

He said: “We are determined to make the streets of Newham safer for all. That means getting out into the community, talking to people about the issues affecting them and what could be done to make their lives safer and more pleasant.

“During these three days our teams have tackled everything from crime and vandalism to anti-social behaviour like littering, street drinking and inconsiderate parking. We have also been reiterating the Covid-19 rules and how to follow them to keep our community safer.”

As a result of the patrols, fines were issued for obstruction of the highway, fly-tipping and waste in front gardens. In addition a number of beggars and buskers were moved-on and alcohol removed from street drinkers. Almost 70 businesses were given advice around the wearing of face coverings in indoor settings and 861 people were advised about wearing face coverings in Stratford Mall.

Cllr Beckles said: “Through these exercises we are bringing the Council together with residents and delivering direct action to our streets. Of course during the Covid-19 pandemic our officers will be reminding businesses and residents about the rules and restrictions in place to keep us safe. It’s all about engagement, encouragement and only in the last resort enforcement.”

The event in Stratford is the latest in a series which has already seen Manor Park, Little Ilford and Forest Gate targeted. The exercises are directed at hotspots which are identified from analysis of complaints and reports from residents.

Published: 29 Oct 2020