Invitation to help celebrate Black History Month

Invitation to help celebrate Black History Month.

Newham wants to put on an engaging, high-quality and accessible programme that explores the adversity that black people have faced and how their strength, courage and determination has shaped society throughout history.

“This year it is even more important to recognise and learn about the history of black people in light of the Black Lives Matter movement and the disproportionate impact of Covid-19 on the black community,” said Deputy Mayor Councillor Charlene Mclean, Cabinet member for community neighbourhoods.

The Council is looking for proposals for events and activities that are relevant to Newham, encourage open, honest discussion and debate, motivate learning and celebrate achievement. Proposals should address one or more the following strands: activism; equality; inspiration; or social justice.

Councillor McLean said: “If people have ideas, we would love to hear about it. We are particularly interested in receiving proposals that are inter-generational, reflect current issues, recognise local and national achievers and the National Health Service, or celebrate popular culture, music, hair, food, young people, or the Windrush generation.”

The programme, which is part of the Council’s ongoing Newham Unlocked programme of cultural activities, will be presented via the Newham Black History Month website,

In light of social distancing restrictions, the programme will be a mix of digital and physical content. If your proposal is for a physical activity, you will need to demonstrate how it could easily transition into a digital activity.

Up to £1,000 is available to help support individual events, though a higher fee will be considered for a series of events. The fee should cover all elements of the event including design, planning, materials, expenses, on site event management and evaluation. For more information and an application form email

Published: 12 Aug 2020