Council writes to parents and carers over schools situation

Council writes to parents and carers over schools situation.

Newham Council has written to parents and carers of pupils across the borough explaining the latest situation following the Prime Minister’s lockdown message earlier this week regarding the re-opening of schools.

The letter has been distributed through Newham’s network of schools. It states: “Many of you will have heard the Prime Minister make reference to the ‘road map’ for the next steps in combating coronavirus and moving towards partial re-opening of a range of businesses, leisure facilities and schools.

“The Prime Minister’s reference was to the possibility of a partial re-opening of schools in June. There was no definitive announcement about the exact date. It is vital, therefore, that we are all clear that, as of now, there is no change to the current arrangements. Schools will continue to be open only for the two groups of children specified by the Government at the end of March: vulnerable children and children of critical workers.

“Whilst we recognise that the current arrangement continue to provide challenges for you and your children, rest assured that schools and the local authority are working together on planning for re-opening at the appropriate time. Please also be assured that the most important consideration for all involved in this is the safety and mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of our pupils and staff. We will, of course, keep you updated on any future developments in the meantime.”

Published: 14 May 2020