First of weekly email bulletins issued from Newham Council

First of weekly email bulletins issued from Newham Council.

Newham Council has today issued the first of a series of weekly e-bulletins about what’s happening at the Council and in the borough, which are focusing on the range of efforts under way in response to the coronavirus crisis impacting the borough and the rest of the country.

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz said: “I hope you and your family are in good spirits despite the unprecedented impact Covid-19 is having on all of us, as we come to the end of the seventh week of Lockdown Britain.

“This week, we’ve been hearing the message of ‘let’s keep going’ as the Government prepares to change its approach to the coronavirus crisis with an announcement from the Prime Minister at 7pm this Sunday.

“We anticipate he’ll be easing some of the current restrictions in place; so next week I’ll be in touch with you to update on what the Council will be doing in this new ‘next phase’ of battling with Covid-19.

“Whatever the announcement by the Prime Minister on Sunday, I’ve been urging caution because I fear that we will be hit hard by any second wave. This follows data from the Office of National Statistics published last Friday which confirmed that poverty and inequality combined with Covid-19 hits Newham more, as it had the highest Covid-19 mortality rate in England, with 144.3 deaths per 100,000 population, followed by Brent (141.5) and then Hackney (127.4). You can read more about that.

“In our borough, levels of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other underlying issues such as asthma caused by toxic air quality, are very high which greatly affects mortality rates of our residents. We also know that the health inequalities are not uniform across ethnic groups, and there are specific health issues that particularly affect different groups. That’s why today’s ONS data about the disproportionate impact on Covid-19 infection and deaths is a tragic reminder that Covid-19 impacts Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) communities more; and are twice as likely to die from the virus.

“Why does this matter? It matters because in Newham, where we have high levels of deprivation and where 73% of our population represent a richly diverse Black Minority and Ethnic community, are being hardest hit by this virus. Therefore, it is absolutely clear that although on some measures we are passing the peak, different groups based on ethnicity, underlying health conditions, wealth, and where they become ill, are still seeing a disproportionate number of deaths.

“These figures simply confirms what we already know: coronavirus is no social leveller. Our community has suffered more than others and deserves a level of government funding that reflects our greater need. That’s why I am calling on the Prime Minister to provide Newham, and other councils facing high levels of deprivation, a ‘Covid-19 deprivation’ premium to help us with the impact now.

“As the Government finalises its plans, it can’t pursue an approach where the ‘whole country moves as one’ as the virus has a different impact in poorer areas. Any solution must take account of local risks such as those that exist in Newham because of deprivation and health inequalities that disproportionally impact BAME communities. You can read my letter to the Prime Minister

“So until we hear what the Government plans are on Sunday, please keep following the rules to stop the spread of the virus in our borough this bank holiday weekend. And as we mark the 75th Anniversary of Victory in Europe tomorrow, do your bit as part of the Newham effort to help stop the spread of the virus and save lives.”

Rokhsana Fiaz OBE
Mayor of Newham
Read more Covid-19 updates from Mayor Fiaz, or you can follow her on Twitter: @rokhsanafiaz 

Published: 07 May 2020