Newham Council acts against High Street businesses flouting Covid-19 restrictions

Since the Government announced restrictions back in March, Newham Council has received a steady flow of complaints suggesting widespread flouting of social distancing measures in place, with businesses breaking the rules and unnecessary travelling in the borough.

While the vast majority of Newham residents have been following the rules since the introduction of the lockdown measures - and have helped in containing the spread of the virus in the borough – there have been pockets of non-compliance which are being addressed by Council officers using the full scope of their powers, and resources that they currently have.

When it comes to individuals, only the police can take enforcement action under the Coronavirus Act, passed in Parliament last month. If you have any concerns, please contact Newham Police on 101.

For those businesses flouting the law by trading illegally during the crisis, Newham’s trading standards officers have been mounting targeted operations in some of our busiest high streets to ensure compliance. This week, there’s been a focus on High Street North in East Ham and Upton Lane in Forest Gate.

The enforcement action investigated a total of 42 business premises of which 37 prompted concern, because they were either trading unlawfully or not following social distancing guidelines within their premises. Of these:

  • 17 premises were found to be trading unlawfully and were given verbal advice. The premises all complied with that advice at the time and closed. They will be subject to another visit to keep a check on their required compliance. 
  • 14 premises were given advice regarding the management of social distancing on the premises.
  • 3 prohibition/closure notices were served on businesses who didn’t follow the when verbal advice to close.
  • 2 Fixed Penalty Notice fines were served for breach of a prohibition notice that had been served previously.  
  • 1 business suspected of unlawfully trading will be visited again, because Council officers couldn’t gain access.  

Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz said: “We will continue this vital work to make sure those businesses who are playing by the rules are not put at unfair advantage by those who are not. Our thanks to Newham residents and local businesses who are keeping up with the restrictions”

If you suspect any business trading unlawfully, please email

Published: 07 May 2020