Access to West Ham Cemetery restricted

Access to West Ham Cemetery restricted to only those attending funeral services in response to Covid-19 and social distancing.

Newham Council has been forced to take the difficult decision to restrict access to West Ham Cemetery to only those attending funerals because, unfortunately, some people have been failing to observe guidelines about social distancing.​

The move has been agreed on public health grounds as part of the Council’s response to dealing with the current Coronavirus pandemic in order to protect visitors to the cemetery and those who work there. 

Gates to the cemetery in Cemetery Road, Forest Gate, will close to the general public from 5pm on Thursday (16 April).

Councillor James Beckles, Cabinet member for crime and anti-social behaviour, said: “It is with much regret that we are having to do this. It is not a decision that we’ve taken lightly but we have no choice thanks to a minority of people who have been ignoring the Government’s guidelines about social distancing. Groups of people have been entering the grounds for reasons other than funerals, including most recently for picnics.

"Along with many other local authorities and private cemeteries we are having to provide additional capacity for funerals. While recognising the disappointment and distress this restricted access may cause people who routinely visit and tend the resting place of lost loved ones, it is necessary if we are to minimise the impact of Coronavirus in our community.”

The new arrangement will remain in place for the foreseeable future but will be routinely reviewed in line with Government guidance during the Coronavirus pandemic.

Funeral corteges can enter as normal. The Council respectfully requests that the number of people attending funerals is limited to ten people.

Attendees are asked to remember Government social distancing recommendations with mourners mixing no closer than two metres from each other. Government guidance also says no one should attend if they have coronavirus symptoms or should be self-isolating. 

Attendance should be limited to members of the lost loved one’s household, close family members, or a modest number of friends if the deceased has neither household nor family members in attendance.

Published: 15 Apr 2020