Statement about Coronavirus (Covid-19) from Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz 17 March 2020

Dear Newham Resident,

I am sorry to have to report that our number of confirmed Coronavirus (Covid-19) cases in Newham has jumped to 17 as of Tuesday 17th March 2020.

I know this significant increase is worrying for us all, but it is important to note that we are in with other boroughs, who have also seen big rises today. We know that London is ahead of other parts of the country in the spread of the disease, so it is unfortunately to be expected that we will start to see growing numbers of cases in our borough.

The chart below shows where we are in comparison with our neighbouring boroughs in London:

I want to reassure you that the Council continues to take all possible steps to prepare, so we can maintain our essential services for residents. We are also working closely with our health and community partners to support all agencies and individuals to respond effectively. I know that you would want me to thank, all our fantastic NHS staff and workers for their dedication and heroic efforts on our behalf.

Also today we’ve taken the correct decision to cancel a range of public meetings, events and activities where they are not absolutely necessary. This is all part of supporting the national effort and help delay the spread of Coronavirus.

In accordance with national guidance, our schools and children’s centres remain open. We are monitoring the situation very carefully, and working closely with headteachers to ensure they have access to the latest advice and guidance to operate safely.

As before, please stay safe and for more information about the situation in Newham, please go to the Council’s website:

Published: 17 Mar 2020