The Big Clean Up

Mayor of Newham and a woman picking up rubbish

Residents, local businesses, council officers, and councillors came together last weekend to organise a clean up of their local space. ​​

The clean-up day, around Holland Road, Springfield Road, and Memorial Avenue in Canning Town was the brain-child of local residents, with the support of Councillor Shaban Mohammed (Canning Town North).

Joining the volunteers and council staff, were local Councillors Rev. Ann Easter, Rohit Dasgupta and Delphine Tohoura. The event was also attended by Mayor Rokhsana Fiaz.
Prior to the start of the event all hedges and over-grown shrubbery were cut back by PRS, the council owned cleansing service.
East London Community Sports Association (ELCSA) provided refreshments and a base for the clean-up team.
Cllr Shaban Mohammed said: “I would just like  thank everyone who took part in the first Canning Town Big Clean. The feedback from residents was very positive and they have asked for more clean ups in the future. I would like to thank the council staff, who not only gave up their time on the day, but made The Big Clean Up happen. It was good to see the positive interaction between officers and residents, and the volunteers.”
Any residents interested in creating their own clean up event should send an email to or​ 

Published: 13 Dec 2018