• Title recognises Council’s commitment to creating a culture of welcome for all seeking sanctuary.
• Supports Newham’s history of welcoming people fleeing conflict and persecution.
Newham Council has been awarded Borough of Sanctuary status by the national City of Sanctuary charity. The award acknowledges the breadth of the Council’s, and partners’ work, to support people seeking sanctuary, and to creating a culture of welcome which values the contribution and strengths of refugees and other sanctuary seekers arriving in the borough. As part of the award, Newham has demonstrated its commitment to the Sanctuary values of inclusivity, participation and integrity.
Newham is one of the most diverse boroughs in the UK, with more than 200 languages and dialects spoken. The Council has a history of welcoming people fleeing conflict and persecution in their home countries, adding to the rich tapestry of backgrounds, cultures and lived experiences, contributing to Newham’s own unique identity. In more recent years, the Council has worked closely with community, voluntary and NHS partners to create a welcoming and inclusive environment to support the integration of refugees arriving from Syria, Afghanistan and Ukraine. The Council plans to launch a Newham Sanctuary Forum later this year. This will bring together people from the borough with lived experience, voluntary and faith sector partners, representatives from Council departments and the NHS. Its role will be to deliver the Borough of Sanctuary Strategy, which was approved by Cabinet in May 2024, as well as key priorities identified by the Forum.
The Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, said: “I am delighted we have been awarded Borough of Sanctuary status, highlighting our proud history and continuing commitment to supporting people fleeing conflict and persecution in their home countries.
“The title supports our corporate plan and our vision for a Fairer Newham, where everyone has the opportunity to reach their potential and thrive. At the heart of this are people seeking sanctuary in the borough who have given up everything to try to find safety and rebuild their lives. However, being a Borough of Sanctuary benefits everyone, including those already living in Newham.
“By demonstrating the City of Sanctuary’s values, we are inspiring the next generation and also emphasising the importance of our basic human rights. Many of those who settle here come with gifts, in the form of their knowledge, skills and ambitions. They have so much to contribute and it is these additions from all around the world that make Newham the most diverse, rewarding and beautiful borough to live in.”
The Borough of Sanctuary movement is part of the national City of Sanctuary movement, which aims to create a network of towns and cities throughout the UK that are proud to be places of safety and inclusion for people seeking sanctuary. Newham has been working towards becoming a Borough of Sanctuary since a Full Council motion was passed in February 2023.
The City of Sanctuary awards recognise and celebrate the organisations which go above and beyond to welcome people seeking sanctuary. Welcome Newham is another clear example of this. The Council-led weekly one-stop shop offers help to those who have recently arrived in the borough, as well as family, friends and hosts. The support available includes registering with a doctor for access to health services; assistance to apply for school places and specific advice and guidance for pregnant and new mums. It is a result of working effectively with the voluntary, community, and faith sector.
Maggie Filipova-Rivers, City of Sanctuary's Local Authority Lead, said: "It was an honour to work with Newham Council, local VCS partners, and individuals with lived experience on their 'Borough of Sanctuary' application.
“I was particularly struck by the vibrant network of committed organisations working together to support those seeking sanctuary as they rebuild their lives and collaborate to drive meaningful change.
“This recognition is a reflection of the tireless efforts of officers, elected representatives, and local partners over several years, along with their inspiring vision for the future.”
Newham Council’s efforts echo those of a wider network. The City of Sanctuary works with individuals, groups and organisations in every area and in every sector to encourage inclusivity, solidary and compassion for people from a forced displacement background.
For more information about the support available from Newham Council, visit www.newham.gov.uk/council/newham-council-refugeeservices.
For more information about the Borough of Sanctuary Forum, visit https://volunteers.newham.gov.uk/volunteers/opportunity/10227546.
For more information about the City of Sanctuary, visit www.cityofsanctuary.org.