Newham and Word 4 Weapons hail success as almost 500 lethal weapons removed from the streets.

Stratford knife bin cropped

• Weapons including knives, a gun and knuckle dusters deposited safely in Stratford in just 12 months
• Hopes high for similar results for three new amnesty bins in the borough

Councillor Amar Virdee, Newham Cabinet Member for Community Safety and Crime and Councillor Neil Wilson, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care hailed the Stratford experiment, where the public can anonymously drop weapons to be destroyed, as a great success.

Cllr Virdee said: “In just a year we have seen 489 potentially lethal weapon removed from our streets, using just one bin at the Stratford Salvation Army site. I’m really excited to see how the new bins, introduced by the charity Word 4 Weapons, in collaboration with the Council, will improve the safety of our streets.

“Since, last Wednesday (24 September), the Government have declared Zombie knives illegal, with robust punishments in place for those who buy, sell, manufacture or carry them. I would urge anyone who has such a knife, or any other potentially lethal weapon, to use the amnesty bins.

“Bin the blades to protect yourself, your loved ones and your community from harm. Let’s make Newham a safer place.”

Sandra Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, Word 4 Weapons, said: “The visible presence of these strategically placed Word 4 Weapons amnesty knife bins within communities serves as a constant reminder of the collective efforts being made to reduce knife violence and protect lives.

“The collaboration between local authorities, Word 4 Weapons and the public ensure a coordinated and sustained approach to addressing knife crime, highlighting the shared responsibility in creating safer communities.”

Knife amnesty bins locations in Newham:

  • Salvation Army, Stratford E15 4QB
  • Bonny Downs Community Centre, East Ham E6 6DQ
  • Rights and Equalities in Newham (REIN), Plaistow E13 8HL
  • Royal Docks Learning and Activity Centre, North Woolwich E16 2JB

For more information, visit

Published: 02 Oct 2024