Newham’s third Ageing Well Festival set to celebrate residents aged 50+

Ageing well fest picture of residents holding decorated glasses

• Free event will offer a range of activities, food, entertainment and information
• Supports our plans to improve the health and wellbeing of residents aged 50+

Newham residents are invited to attend our third Ageing Well Festival at Forest Gate Community School (Forest Lane, E7 9BB) on Saturday 5 October, from 10am-4pm. The event celebrates the International Day of Older People and supports our plans to improve the health and wellbeing of residents aged 50+, while also reducing health inequalities.

Attendees can take part in a range of free activities, including archery, Bikeworks, which encourages cycling for all, glass painting, dance and exercise tasters. They can also expect to be offered health checks, blood pressure readings, diabetes support, vaccine clinics and international food. 

Councillor Neil Wilson, Cabinet Member for Health and Adult Social Care said: “I am pleased the Ageing Well Festival will be taking place for the third year in a row. Having attended the last two events, I can safely say it truly is a celebration of our residents aged 50+. It’s fun, joyful and informative. 

“The event has a clear purpose, supporting Newham’s Ageing Well Strategy. All of us at Newham Council want the borough to be a place where everyone can age well.

“I would encourage everyone in Newham to attend – and please bring along your parents and grandparents!”

The event will showcase activities and services available in the borough while providing opportunities for residents to connect with each other and get involved with delivering and shaping the third year of our Ageing Well Strategy. This year’s event builds on the success of the previous two festivals, where hundreds of residents joined us and our partners to celebrate, receive support and connect with others in their local community. The event also coincides with the International Day of Older People celebrations, aimed at recognising the contribution of older individuals. 

Our efforts form part of the Council’s Ageing Well Strategy, which is aimed at improving the health and wellbeing of residents aged 50+, while also reducing health inequalities. The strategy is focusing on five priority areas including: communication, home, planning ahead, community, finance, employment, volunteering and retirement.

The festival will also be a good example of our Well Newham approach as it is aimed at connecting residents to empowering strength-based, supportive services within the community. The event is the ideal opportunity to access information and advice, with a local Newham focus.

We are hoping this year’s festival will see even more local people gather in order to become more informed, to be entertained and for those who are 50+, to believe they make a difference, more so than ever.

For more information, visit

Published: 26 Sep 2024