Big ‘YES’ vote as residents greenlight £500m estate regeneration scheme to deliver 1,700 homes in Canning Town

Canning town park view aerial

• Following a two-year co-production process, almost 70% of local residents have voted yes to Newham Council’s regeneration plans for the Canning Town Estate;
• The Canning Town Estate regeneration scheme is the third positive estate regeneration ballot outcome as part of Newham Council’s ambitious Affordable Homes for Newham programme.

The Canning Town estate regeneration scheme has won the resounding endorsement of local residents, after 69.9% of residents voted ‘YES’ in the month long ballot which concluded this week. Of those eligible to take part, there was a 56.6% turnout; meaning that a majority of local residents have greenlit an ambitious deliver up to 1,700 new homes including 50% genuinely affordable energy-efficient homes with 500 new family homes, community facilities and improved public and green spaces in the neighbourhood. 

Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, said: “Canning Town estate is the third largest of the estates which I promised I would deliver when I became Mayor back in 2018. I am really pleased with the outcome as it shows that local residents trust their council to deliver the things that matter most to them. The result shows we have the overwhelming backing of the community who are ready to see positive change happen in a neighbourhood that has been left behind for too long. We will now get cracking with the improvements in the local area and building much needed homes our people can afford. I am looking forward to continuing working closely with residents and bring to life our vision for an enhanced neighbourhood and well designed, high quality homes our people can afford.”

“Working hand in hand with local residents in Canning Town, who have been involved in co-producing the exciting masterplan, we’ll be delivering 1,700 new homes, 50 percent of which will be genuinely affordable. There’ll be 500 new family homes with 3 bedrooms or more, improved public realm including communal gardens and play spaces for everyone to enjoy. All the homes are spacious and energy-efficient as part of our Just Transition Climate Action plan which will mean cheaper bills as well.”

Canning town mews view Canning town park view 2

The ‘Yes’ vote of confidence is a key milestone in Mayor Fiaz’s ambition to deliver good quality homes for local people in safe, well-connected neighbourhoods; and the 1,700 homes adds to the 147 new genuinely affordable homes Newham Council is already building on the estate as part its Affordable Homes for Newham programme.

Following the positive resident ballot, work will now accelerate to submitting the masterplan application to the Local Planning Authority later this year. Alongside the development plans, the Council’s Community Wealth Building ‘Place’ team will continue working with the Canning Town steering group comprising of residents to continue progress on the co-produced plans and a range of community engagement initiatives.

Published: 29 Jul 2024