Newham Local Plan Final Consultation – Residents Urged to Get Involved

Consultation opens 19 July – 6 September 2024

Newham Council is consulting on the Local Plan which is the key planning document and will be used to shape, plan and manage growth, regeneration and development across the borough to 2038. 

The new Local Plan will be used to assess planning applications and guide our decisions on: 

  • the location, amount and type of development to be delivered in the borough; 
  • the standards that development should meet; 
  • what it should look like; 
  • what services and infrastructure are needed and where; 
  • how all residents will benefit from the proposed levels of growth and development.

Newham has a young, diverse and growing population; with 351,000 people, it has one of the biggest populations in London and would be the 14th largest city in the country in terms of population. Nearly three quarters (72 percent) of Newham residents are from Black, Asian and ethnically diverse communities. The borough boasts the second youngest age profile in London, with over nine in ten aged under 65. 

There are high levels of transport connectivity with Stratford the busiest station in the UK and home to the new Elizabeth Line. Increasingly it is a borough linked to innovation and creativity with hubs like Here East and the Royal Docks, London’s only Enterprise Zone.

These factors are being harnessed to address the challenges faced by residents to deliver improvements for all, and create a place where everyone can deliver their potential. The Council’s corporate plan, ‘Building a Fairer Newham’, encapsulates the commitment to residents to do just that. 

The Local Plan plays a key part in delivering these commitments. It outlines the important steps being taken to improve and develop the built environment residents live and work in, as Newham builds a fairer, greener and more equal borough. 

All residents, businesses and local voluntary, charity and faith groups are urged to engage with the local plan and share their feedback. 
This Local Plan includes details for an incredibly ambitious delivery of projects for Newham Residents, including:

  • Delivering over 50,000 new homes by 2038
  • An affordable housing target on each development of 50 percent social rent
  • Allocation land for seven new schools, including two SEND schools, health centres, leisure centres and new parks and play spaces.

This Local Plan has been informed by the responses received on the Issues and Options document, during the consultation held at the end of 2021, and on the draft Local Plan (Regulation 18), during the consultation held in January and February 2022. 

This is the final round of consultation before the Local Plan is submitted to Central Government for examination. The Council is keen to encourage as many people as possible to share their views. To find out more about the Local Plan click here or to take part and attend one of the special Local Plan Events, visit Newham Co-Create or visit your local library to view the documents. 

See a video about the Local Plan and how to get involved here.

You can also find out how to get involved by scanning the QR code below.

Local plan qr code

Published: 24 Jul 2024