Newham residents, council members and staff marked the fourth anniversary of COVID-19 with a Service of Reflection dedicated to those who lost their lives during the coronavirus pandemic.
The event took place at the Covid Memorial Garden in Plaistow Park, honouring Newham's residents who lost their lives and the staff, volunteers, and residents who supported the community during the pandemic.
Four years since the first lockdown was declared in March 2020, Newham Council continues to offer families and individuals who lost loved ones and those living with the lasting impact the pandemic support.
Newham’s service of reflection was hosted by Councillor Ann Easter, who welcomed everyone to the event. The Mayor of Newham, Rokhsana Fiaz OBE; and Councillor Neil Wilson, Deputy Mayor James Asser spoke about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Newham community, expressing the importance of remembering this challenging time, working together to rebuild and coming together to reflect.
Heartfelt speeches were also presented by Covid Champion volunteers Tim Wood and Katie Blake, and Denny Cornaud from Plaistow South Big Local.
The event featured performances by the Newham Super Choir and St Antony's Primary School Choir, the children performed their own song entitled Another Round of Applause paying tribute to key workers.
The event concluded with participants presenting their own reflections, these reflections can be viewed here. Community reflections were also captured through written messages on leaves that were attached to the totems in the garden, these messages are now displayed at Plaistow Library where people are invited to attend to add their own comments and messages.
Councillor James Asser, Cabinet Member for Environment and Sustainable Transport, said:
“Parks and open spaces were vital during the pandemic and the lockdowns. It was, therefore, appropriate that the Newham memorial to those we lost in Covid should be in one of our parks."
“One year ago, this memorial garden was opened to provide a place of reflection and remembrance; the plants have matured over the last year, and whilst changing and growing, it continues to provide a vital space for local people to remember their loved ones that were lost. We look forward to it continuing to support the community for years to come.”
Councillor Neil Wilson, Cabinet member for Health and Adult Social Care, said:
“I hope that this garden will continue to remain a place of hope and peace for those who have lost a loved one, a family member or a friend. This garden invites all generations to visit, sit, reflect and remember."
“I hope that the garden will continue to serve as a reminder of the unity and togetherness that Newham residents displayed throughout this time and continue to display today and that it will remain long into the future."
A community garden for all
The Covid Memorial Garden was designed by Jon Sheaff & Associates and local artist Matt Ponting alongside residents from the Plaistow Community Neighbourhood area in 2023. More information about the garden can be found here: www.newham.gov.uk/covidmemorialgarden
Impact of Covid in Newham to date (2020-2024):
Supporting people
- 655 volunteers participated in #HelpNewham
- 30,000 hrs of volunteer help equivalent to more than 1150 full days
- More than 500 Covid-19 Champions
- 100 people Vaccine Peer Supporters
No of residents who lost their lives: Over 1,000 Newham deaths
Vaccines: Over 600,000 COVID-19 vaccines