Housing Estates Enhanced as important programme improvement programme continues

• Communal areas on Newham housing estates given a new lease of life through Council’s estate improvements programme

Estates across Newham have been freshened up thanks to the Council’s ongoing estate improvements programme.

Using feedback from residents to identify priorities for improvement, the Council has installed new equipment, refurbished broken or tired assets and upgraded communal areas on estates all over the borough.

The programme has so far identified 28 projects across 36 locations, with recent work including:

  • Clearing, levelling and resurfacing a path in the communal garden at Maybrook Court
  • Repairing and varnishing benches at Simon’s Road    
  • Installing security fencing to prevent anti-social behaviour at Dyson Road
  • Plastering and painting communal areas at Hartington Road
  • Replacing broken and dismantled fencing around a grassed area at Frank Bailey Walk
  • Adding fencing and a wooden planter to screen a bin area at Dersingham Avenue, as a measure to reduce fly-tipping 
  • Varnishing and restoring the front entrance doors of a block at Market Street

Cllr Shaban Mohammed, Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Modernisation, said:

“We’re on a mission to place residents at the heart of housing and initiatives like our estate improvement programme and Big Clean Up are great examples of how we’re putting that into action.

“By going out into our communities and listening to our residents’ priorities, we’ve been able to target upgrades where they’re most needed and wanted, making neighbourhoods safer and more attractive in the process.”

Newham Council tenants can share their ideas for estate improvements with the Resident Involvement Team by emailing getinvolved.housing@newham.gov.uk

Published: 23 Oct 2023