Statement on London City Airport’s appeal to Inspectorate to overturn Newham’s planning decision

Mayor Rokshana Fiaz OBE's statement on appeal from London City Airport.

Following an appeal submitted to the Planning Inspectorate by London City Airport last month, I am urging local residents to submit objections to safeguard them from increased airport flight noise.

In July, elected members of the Council’s Strategic Development Committee, which considers major planning applications in Newham, unanimously rejected proposals submitted by London City Airport to extend its operating hours. The decision to refuse was based on expert aviation advice and consideration of ‘material planning policies’ which highlights the detrimental impact that the airport’s proposals would have on residents living in Newham, as well as in other London boroughs.

London City Airport want to increase the number of flight passengers each year from 6.5 million to 9million, increase morning and Saturday flights; and get rid of protections that have been in place since 1986 by amending the existing Saturday flight curfew in place which stops all flights in and out of the airport at 12.30pm. They want the flight curfew to start at 6.30pm with an extra hour (and up to 12 more flight arrivals) during the summer time.

The proposals by London City Airport contravene important planning policies such as the London Plan and Newham’s Local Plan, and if approved would result in a new material noise impact, leading to significant harm to our residents because increased noise is detrimental to the health and quality of life.

London City Airport have now submitted an appeal against Newham’s planning refusal, and a public inquiry will be held later this year in December by the Planning Inspectorate for England, which is an executive agency of the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DHLUC).

That’s why I am urging Newham residents and members of the public opposed to the airport’s proposals to submit your views to the Planning Inspectorate by Thursday 28th September 2023.

I fully support the decision by members of Newham’s Strategic Development Committee to reject London City Airport’s planning application and will support the robust defence that will be mounted by Newham planning officers during this appeal process. 

You can submit your representations in three ways, using appeal reference APP/G5750/W/23/3326646:

  1. Visit the Planning Inspectorate website to submit your objections online:
  2. Write to the Planning Inspectorate: Holly Dutton, The Planning Inspectorate, Room 3J, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN
  3. Email Newham Council Planning Case Officer

Published: 04 Sep 2023