Apply Now: Grants of up to £20,000 available for community-led projects

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• People Powered Placed Fund closes on 3 September
• Up to £20,000 available for voluntary, community and faith sector groups
• Newham residents can apply for up to £5,000

*Updated 31 August 2023 - The People Powered Places application deadline has been extended to 10 September

Newham Council are encouraging residents, voluntary, community and faith sector organisations to apply for up to £20,000 of funding as part of this year’s People Powered Places programme.

The Council has made £1.6 million of funding available, plus an additional £80,000 for the Royal Docks, to support community projects across the borough as part of its commitment to delivering ‘people powered’ improvements to build a fairer Newham.

With less than a month until the application deadline of 3 September, residents can apply for a grant of up to £5,000 while voluntary, community and faith sector groups can apply for a grant of up to £20,000. (*Updated 31 August 2023 - The People Powered Places application deadline has been extended to 10 September).

Councillor Charlene McLean, Cabinet Member for Resident Engagement and Resident Experience, said: “People Powered Places will continue to make a real impact across Newham addressing those crucial priorities residents set for their neighbourhoods, at their Our Priorities Events in May, as part of our continued close work with grassroots, local communities. I would strongly encourage residents, voluntary, community and faith sector organisations to apply now for funding, before the deadline of 3 September. I’m really looking forward to seeing the projects this year as we continue to build a fairer Newham with this impressive programme.”

Each of Newham’s eight community neighbourhoods has been given £200,000 to fund successful projects that meet three local priorities that were chosen by residents in May.

Once applications have been received, the Council will work alongside 149 local people – who have volunteered to be working group members – to shortlist proposals to put forward, Newham residents will then be able to vote for their favourite projects this Autumn.

People Powered Places is one of the country’s largest and most comprehensive participatory budgeting programmes, supporting 157 projects over the last two years while strengthening the partnership between the Council and residents. It is recognised as a best in class example of what can be achieved.

The £1.6 million of funding is sourced from the Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) which is a charge on new development to help fund strategic and neighbourhood infrastructure in Newham.

Project applications are open now until Sunday 3 September 2023, for more information visit:  (*Updated 31 August 2023 - The People Powered Places application deadline has been extended to 10 September)

Published: 21 Aug 2023