Nominate your local community hero for a Newham Civic Award

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Nominations now open for the Council’s prestigious Newham Civic Awards 2023!

Do you know a local resident, entrepreneur, group, organisation or company that is doing something special, valued and amazing in Newham? Those unsung community champions who have gone that extra mile for residents and community here in Newham!

If so, it’s time to nominate them for a Newham Civic Award 2023 and give them the recognition they deserve!

The Newham Civic Awards shines the spotlight on people making a real difference to our borough, honouring local champions who are making positive changes and contributions to our community.

This could be a local resident who has helped out a neighbour in need, coached local sports team, a young person giving up their free time to volunteer, achieved something amazing, or carried out an exceptional act of bravery.

From our unsung heroes, to community activists to businesses that support their local area – now is the time to nominate them for a Newham Civic Award.

Rokhsana Fiaz OBE Mayor of Newham said: “Newham is a remarkable borough of many remarkable people, community groups, local businesses and voluntary organisations who tirelessly contribute to our communities, often without receiving the recognition they deserve. We are changing that through shining a light on all those amazing unsung heroes who do so much for our borough and who are driven by conviction, civic pride and purpose!

“The Newham Civic Awards honours those shining stars amongst us, to acknowledge their exceptional efforts through either volunteering, acts of courage or a whole spectrum of valuable contributions that are making a positive difference and bringing our communities together. 

“I am also pleased to announce there is a brand new award category, through ‘The Outstanding Citizen Award’ to honour exceptional individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to the social, cultural or environmental well-being of our borough.”

“The Newham Civic Awards 2023 are all part of our people powered plans to build a fairer Newham, and to celebrate the significant contributions our residents make in transforming our borough. Join us in celebrating the remarkable civic activism, spread the word and get nominating!”

This year there are separate categories for individuals and groups, businesses and other organisations.  

Nominations for individual people are invited for the following categories of award:

  • Alderperson
  • Freedom of the Borough
  • Good Neighbour Award
  • Outstanding Citizen Award
  • Youth Excellence Award

Nominations for groups and organisations can be made under the following awards:

  • Community Wealth Builder Award
  • Create and Thrive Award
  • Green Champion Award
  • Healthy Newham Award
  • Stronger & United Together Award

A full list of awards and guidance can be found on the Newham Civic Awards webpage 

The deadline to submit a nomination for the Newham Civic Awards is Wednesday 30 August with full details on how to nominate available at 

Nomination are also open for the Honorary Freeperson and Honorary Alderperson Awards. These awards are the highest honour the London Borough of Newham can bestow with nominations for Honorary Alderperson being former Councillors who have rendered eminent services to the Council and Honorary Freeperson nominations being persons of distinction and any persons who have rendered eminent services to the borough”. 

Find out more at 

The deadline to submit a nomination for a Freeperson / Alderperson Award is also Wednesday 30 August.

Published: 19 Jul 2023