Newham’s Draft SEND and Inclusion Strategy goes out to public consultation

• The new five-year plan sets out to improve experiences and outcomes for children and young people with SEND

Cabinet this morning (Thursday 8 June) agreed to progress a draft SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) and Inclusion Strategy to statutory public consultation.

The draft has been produced with children, young people, families, schools, colleges, professionals and community partners at the heart of decision making.

Councillor Joshua Garfield, Cabinet member for Education said: “We are ambitious about Newham’s future and are striving to ensure all our young people have the best opportunities available to them, as identified in our Newham Children and Young People’s Plan 2022-2027.

“We are ambitious for our children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities in the borough. Our vision is that Newham is a place where children and young people with SEND are able to learn, achieve and thrive within local settings and communities, to enable them to lead happy and fulfilling lives.”

The priorities are:

  • Strengthening early identification and early intervention pathways
  • Building partnership data and intelligence to enable effective joint commissioning to meet the needs of children and young people
  • Increasing access to high quality specialist support and capacity, building services for all schools and settings to support inclusive practice
  • Preparing children and young people for adulthood and independence
  • Co-producing local services with children, young people, families and the professionals that support them

Following this statutory public consultation, changes will be made to the strategy to respond to resident feedback and the final version of the SEND and Inclusion Strategy will be brought back to Cabinet for approval.

The Consultation will open shortly and you’ll be able to take part using Newham’s Co-Create platform.

Published: 08 Jun 2023