Cabinet agrees further land acquisition at Custom House and Canning Town

Indicative image of new homes at Vincent Street Canning Town
  • Proposed two site acquisitions will provide more land to successfully deliver these comprehensive regeneration schemes
  • Proposals include the purchase of the freehold interests in 74-76 Rathbone Street, London E16 1JQ and the GP Surgery 16, Freemasons Road, London E16 3NA

At the Cabinet meeting on Thursday 8 June, the proposal to purchase two additional sites in Canning Town and Custom House to support the delivery of these two important regeneration projects was agreed.

The proposed acquisitions form part of the wider plans for Canning Town and Custom House, aiming to deliver 1750 and 326 new homes with 50 % genuinely affordable housing targets for Newham residents.

Alongside the acquisition of the sites, which includes a GP practice in Custom House, Cabinet has also agreed the grant proposal of a long lease to Heath and Care Space Newham, (HCSN) to continue to provide health care services to local residents in Custom House once the new health care centre is built.

Mayor of Newham Rokhsana Fiaz OBE, said: “Ensuring we deliver on our promise to deliver new homes and community facilities for the residents of Custom House and Canning Town remains a key priority for the Council. It is therefore very important that we look at all the factors that could slow the pace of the progress we have made on these projects with residents’ support so far to keep us on track.”

Councillor Zulfiqar Ali, Cabinet member for Finance and Resources said: “The proposed plan for 74-76 Rathbone Street and 16 Freemasons Road will see the Council acquire the freehold of the properties and add the two properties to its wider planning mix and look at viable options to deliver more homes in Canning Town and Custom House respectively.

“I welcome the Cabinet’s agreement to progress with the acquisition of the properties on Rathborne Street and Freemasons Road which will allow us to assemble more land and deliver the projects with fewer complications to create better neighbourhoods for our local residents to improve their lives and generate more opportunities for them more quickly.”

The Corporate Director of Resources, Conrad Hall in consultation with the Lead Member for Finance and Corporate Services, Councillor Zulfiqar Ali have been delegated with looking at the appropriation of the land for housing purposes starting the process for the purchase of the freehold interests and starting the Agreement for Lease, Lease and associated ancillary legal agreements with Health & Care Space Newham Limited.

Published: 08 Jun 2023