Have your say on new plans to tackle damp and mould


We’re introducing new plans for how we will continue to tackle damp and mould in residents’ homes – and we want your feedback.

Our draft Damp and Mould Strategy and Action Plan sets out existing and planned proactive work and covers council homes and blocks, temporary accommodation and the private rented sector.

We want feedback from across our communities and encourage you to have your say before the consultation closes on Wednesday 19 July 2023. You can find full details of how to get involved at https://newhamco-create.co.uk/en/projects/damp-and-mould-strategy

The new strategy includes a dedicated Damp and Mould Taskforce, which was established in 2021 and has so far undertaken more than £6m of works to resolve issues of damp and mould in Council homes. Other plans include:

  • Increasing the use of proactive inspections, using data to target the blocks most likely to experience damp and mould, as well as the households most likely to be vulnerable to its negative health impacts
  • Investing in upgrading buildings to reduce the likelihood of damp and mould issues arising in the future
  • Using enforcement powers and the inspection regime established through our private rented sector property licensing schemes to tackle damp and mould in the private rented sector.

Cllr Shaban Mohammed, Cabinet Member for Housing Management and Modernisation, said:

“Tackling damp and mould is a major priority for Newham Council and we are investing heavily in our housing stock to create and maintain the decent homes our residents deserve.

“This ambitious Damp and Mould Strategy and Action Plan sets out how we will continue to improve conditions for our residents, whether they live in council housing, temporary accommodation or privately rented homes.

“We want the strategy to be shaped by the people most affected and I look forward to hearing from our residents and partners in the voluntary, community and faith sectors.”

To find out more about how you can help to reduce the risk of damp and mould in your home, visit our information pages.

If you are a Council tenant and want to notify us about damp and mould in your home, you can do so through this online portal.

If you are in the private rented sector, you should first report the issue in writing to your landlord. If they have not resolved the issue after a reasonable amount of time, you can report it via our online form or by contacting us at privatehousing@newham.gov.uk. Please include details of your contact with the landlord and photos of the issue.

Published: 05 Jun 2023