Low income households in Newham to receive Cost of Living Payments

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• New cost of living support from Spring 2023
• Extra payments for disabled people and pensioners

As the cost of living continues to affect many households, the Government has announced Cost of Living Payments designed to support the most vulnerable with significantly rising living costs.

Over the course of 2023 and into 2024, low income households will be entitled to three Cost of Living Payments to help with the cost of living. There is no need to apply, eligible claimants will be paid automatically in the same way as benefit or tax credits. 

Individuals eligible for the Cost of Living Payment are recipients of any of the following benefits or tax credits on a certain date:

  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit
  • Child Tax Credit
  • Working Tax Credit 

The payment dates as broadly follows:

  • £301 between 25 April 2023 and 17 May 2023
  • £300 in autumn 2023
  • £299 in spring 2024

There is also a separate Disability Cost of Living Payment of £150 for recipients of any of the following benefits on a certain date:

  • Attendance Allowance
  • Constant Attendance Allowance
  • Disability Living Allowance for adults
  • Disability Living Allowance for children 
  • Personal Independence Payment
  • Armed Forces Independence Payment
  • War Pension Mobility Supplement

For disabled people on a low income, this payment comes on top of the other cost of living payments. There is no need to make a claim, this will be paid automatically if you are eligible.

This winter, pensioners will also receive an extra one-off £300 Pensioner Cost of Living Payment, which will be paid as a top-up to the Winter Fuel Payment. 

To find out about other support, see www.newham.gov.uk/costoflivingresponse or call Our Newham Money on 020 8430 2041.

Published: 03 May 2023