Newham’s Community Safety Day of Action

Community day of action story gif

Newham Council’s latest Community Safety Day of Action took place on Wednesday 22 February.

Officers from the Community Safety Team, along with various partners including the mounted police branch, conducted a day of action which covered Stratford Olympic Park and Maryland wards focusing on the crime and anti-social behaviour issues and hotspots.

Officers from the Community Safety Team worked in partnership with the Metropolitan Police, Licensing, Trading Standards, Housing, Parking Enforcement, and Cleansing to tackle issues in the area. Community Safety Officers were out on patrol in assigned areas from 9.30 am until 9 pm, patrolling every street, park and green space during the course of the day.

Cllr Carleene Lee-Phakoe, Cabinet Member for Crime and Community Safety, said:
“I am really pleased that our community day of action was successful. Officers were able to offer advice and enforcement action which was well received by our community”.

“Each time our officers go out it’s an opportunity to speak with our residents about what we are doing to tackle anti-social behaviour in Newham.

“The day brings together a range of Council services and the Police to tackle issues in a clear and practical way. Together we are able to proactively respond to the anti-social behaviour and issues that we all care about.”

There was positive community engagement over the day. All referrals and information have been passed on to the relevant service areas and agencies for further investigation and problem-solving.

Here are the combined outcomes for the days.

  • 9 Section 34 Notice (a requirement to produce historic waste transfer documents).   
  • 3 business trade waste engagement
  • 55 bags examined
  • 38 fly tips investigated - 15 with evidence found, 10 ongoing investigation
  • 8 abandoned vehicle investigation
  • 22 ASB engagements/patrols
  • 4 skip investigations
  • 7 parking enforcement referrals
  • 17 blue badge investigations
  • 1 section 47 notice
  • 2 x ongoing building materials on highway investigation
  • 2 street outreach engagements/referrals
  • 16 hire bikes referred/removed
  • 30 waste in the front garden (community protection warning)
  • 1 waste carrier licence check
  • 1 highway referral
  • 1 housing referral
  • 4 DVLA referrals
  • 1 graffiti referral
  • 1 alcohol surrendered through - street drinking engagement
  • 3 x littering, fixed Penalty Notice
  • 2 x fly-tipping Fixed Penalty Notice
  • 2 x street urination fixed Penalty Notice
  • 1 x unlicensed street trading fixed Penalty Notice

Officers will be revisiting the area over the next month to follow up on any issues and actions.

Published: 07 Mar 2023