Majority of pupils in Newham get one of top three preferred secondary schools

School day

• Almost 92 per cent of all pupils in Newham have been offered one of their first three preferred secondary schools on National Offer Day (Wednesday 1 March).

A total of 4,414 Newham residents applied for places in the borough’s secondary schools by the national closing date of 31 October 2022. 94 per cent of applicants were offered a place at one of their preferred schools to start in September 2023 according to London wide admission data.

Councillor Joshua Garfield said: “We are extremely proud of our brilliant secondary schools, which produce some of the nation’s highest achieving students. It’s great that the majority of our young people have secured a place at one of their top three local school preferences.

We have invested heavily in Newham’s schools to increase the number of spaces available for pupils entering year 7. Our Places for All strategy has driven this investment in school expansion to ensure we can provide excellent educational opportunities to as many young people as possible. Demand for our secondary schools remains high, but I hope our young people are happy with today’s news and look forward to starting the next chapter of their learning in September.”

Only 181 pupils (4 per cent) applicants who applied before the deadline could not be offered a place at any of their preferred schools and these young people were allocated alternative places at the closest school to their home which had places remaining.

In addition, 225 pupils who live outside the borough were offered a place in Newham secondary schools. Of this number, 43 children had a sibling at the school still expected to be enrolled in September.

Published: 01 Mar 2023