Our teams in Adult Social Care

Adult Social Care Operations - promoting wellbeing and independence for adults
Adult Social Care Operations promotes wellbeing and independence for adults who require care and support and for carers whose needs we have a duty to meet, whilst also seeking to ensure that adults at risk are safeguarded from harm.
We are committed to providing high-quality information, advice and guidance and where required care and support that respects an individual's right to choice and to live a life that makes sense to them.
We use 'strengths based practice' and ensure the 'individual' is at the centre of everything we do. We work collaboratively with partner organisations and the residents of Newham to co-produce and develop services.
The Adult Social Care Operations Service are made up of a number of teams to meet the needs of our residents in Newham who may require our services.
Learning Disabilities, Autism, Mental Health, and Safeguarding Adults and Independent Living Service
Mental Health
- Mental Health Enablement Team
- Mental Health Neighbourhood Team South
- Mental Health Neighbourhood Team North
- Approved Mental Health Professional Team (AMHP)
- Mental Health Adult Social Care Assessment Team (MHASCAT)
Learning Disabilities
- Learning Disabilities 18-24 + Team
- Learning Disabilities 25+ Team
Safeguarding Adults and Independent Living Team
Older People & Disability Services
Neighbourhood Teams
- North East Newham
- North West Newham
- South and East Newham
- West Newham
Access and Discharge
- Access to Adult Social Care Team
- Access to Adult Social Care – Visiting Assessment Team (ADAVA)
- Discharge and Assessment Team (DAT)
Reablement, Occupational Therapy and HAIL (Home Adaptations for Independent Living)
- Reablement
- Home Adaptations for Independent Living
- Occupational Therapy
Community Opportunities Services
- Client Affairs Team
- Community Opportunities Learning Disabilities Team
- Community Neighbourhood Link Workers Team
- Specialist Cleaning Team
- Community Resource Centre Team (includes easily accessible Gym)
- Day Opportunity Enterprise Development Team (services with dedicated focus on Older People, Dementia, Positive Behaviour, Active Support and Profound and Multiple Learning Disability)