We carry out surveys with council tenants and leaseholders to find out what you think about your property, landlord and neighbourhood. As part of changes introduced by the Social Housing Regulation Act 2023, we will be:
- Conducting surveys of council tenants on an annual basis
- Publishing the survey results and reporting them to the Regulator of Social Housing Regulator of Social Housing - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
The last surveys
The 2023-24 survey results for:
- Council tenants is reported here
- Council leaseholders is reported here (PDF)
The next survey
The next surveys of council tenants and leaseholders will be run by an independent research company called Opinion Research Services (ORS). The surveys will take place between January and March 2025.
The survey will be conducted by ORS researchers interviewing a sample of council tenants in their homes, and by ORS researchers telephoning a sample of council leaseholders to interview them.
If you have any queries about the survey, please e-mail: Colin.Thomas@newham.gov.uk