Neighbourhood Led Schemes Fund

The Neighbourhood Led Schemes Fund helps residents to improve where they live. The budget can be used for one-off, physical improvements to communal areas in blocks and on estates, and we want residents to suggest ways in which this money can be spent. You can have your say and put forward ideas for making long-term communal improvements to your block or estate, so if you have got something in mind please read further details about the scheme below and apply.

What can this budget be spent on?

This budget can be used to cover the cost of works that deliver one-off, physical improvements to communal areas. It can improve outdoor and communal areas on estates, whether it is enhancing what is in place already or creating something new. For example, this budget could be used to turn an unused space on an estate into a garden or a play area, or we could use this budget to cover the cost of works to refurbish or refresh a residents’ room or meeting space within a block.

The general principle is that works carried out using this fund will benefit a majority of residents in the immediate area (e.g. the block or the estate). Please see our list of example improvements (PDF).

However, this budget cannot be used for:

  • Individual properties or gardens
  • Projects that relate to land that is not owned or managed by the Housing service
  • Ongoing maintenance or repairs
  • Events and activities
  • Costs such as wages or running costs
  • Programmed, planned or cyclical works within the next 24 months

How much can be spent?

Each year, the council decides how much funding can be ring-fenced for the Neighbourhood Led Schemes Fund. This fund is part of the council’s wider budget for managing its Housing stock.

To ensure that we provide flexibility, we do not want to set a limit on the amount that can be spent on any one idea or proposal. Cost and spend is something that will be considered by the Neighbourhood Led Schemes Panel (which is made up of internal stakeholders and will review any proposals submitted). The cost will also need to be one that is able to be spent within the current budget year, which runs from April to March.

I have an idea, what do I need to do?

  1. Read our Guidance Notes document (PDF) so that you know what you will need to consider if you do decide to submit an application
  2. Consult with your neighbours (e.g. others within your block or on your estate) so that you can demonstrate and evidence support for your proposal (please see our guidance for further information)
  3. Complete our Neighbourhood Led Schemes Fund Application Form (PDF)
  4. Submit/return your completed form

If you have an idea but you’re not sure whether it is appropriate for this fund, if you have a general query, or if you would like support to complete your application, please contact the Resident Involvement Team at or by calling us on 020 3373 6526.

What happens after I apply?

It will take up to 8 weeks to process and review applications once received by the Resident Involvement Team.

Once a proposal is submitted:

  1. A member of the Resident Involvement Team will review the form to ensure we have all the information we need and that the idea is supported by other residents. A member of the team will then get in touch to let you know that we will process this submission or to request any additional information (if required).
  2. A member of staff from Housing Services will review the proposal in terms of the feasibility and proposed cost. This may also include a joint site visit.
  3. The Neighbourhood Led Schemes Fund Panel will consider the proposal against a set of criteria. This panel is made up of internal stakeholders with appropriate expertise and seniority.
  4. The panel will make a decision and the Resident Involvement Team will provide you with an outcome – this decision is full and final.
  5. All applications approved by the panel will be subject to final agreement from our Capital Programme Board – works can only commence once the initial decision has been agreed by the board.
  6. A member of the Resident Involvement Team will provide you with an outcome.

If your proposal is something that we can progress, we will:

  • Advise the date that the Capital Programme Board is due to sit
  • Confirm the improvements along with the schedule of works
  • Provide proposed timescales

If your proposal is not something that we can progress, we will contact you and tell you:

  • Why your submission was not successful
  • If/how we can work with you to resubmit a proposal
  • Signpost you to other potential sources of funding if this fund is not appropriate

If an application can be resubmitted, this must be within 8 weeks from the date of the decision provided to you. Any submissions over and above this date will be treated as a new application.