Ending your tenancy
If you want to move out of your council home, you must send us a ‘notice to quit’ to tell us that you want to end your tenancy. This is a legal document and must be filled in correctly or you may not be able to end your tenancy.
To get a copy of the form email TenancyTerminations@newham.gov.uk or phone us on 020 8430 2000 ext 57999.
We must receive your notice to quit at least four weeks before you want the tenancy to end. This is known as a ‘notice period’.
Your tenancy will end on a Monday. You can move out at any time up until that date but you must agree your moving-out date with us first. You will not be able to stay in the property after that date.
When you leave you must give ‘vacant possession’ which means that you must leave the property:
- Clean
- clear of furniture, anything else you own and all rubbish
- with no people or pets still living there.
If you do not leave your property clean and clear, we will charge you for the cost of cleaning and clearing out the property.
Joint tenants
If you are a joint tenant and one of you gives us notice to end the tenancy, the tenancy will end for all the tenants.
If you are a joint tenant and you want to move out before the end of the notice period all tenants in a joint tenancy must sign the notice to quit.
Death of a sole tenant
A tenancy does not automatically come to an end when a tenant dies. If you are acting on behalf of someone who has died, you should email TenancyTerminations@newham.gov.uk or phone us on 020 8430 2000 ext 57999 to find out what documents you must send us to end the tenancy.
We may ask you for:
- The original death certificate
- A copy of Grant of Representation
- A copy of the full Last Will and Testament
- Copies of the letters of administration.
Inspecting the property (pre-termination visit)
We may ask to see your home during the notice period, to make sure that you understand what you have to do at the end of your tenancy and the condition you should leave the property in.
Paying off your rent
You must pay all the rent you owe by the date your tenancy ends.
If you have difficulty paying all the rent you owe by the end of the tenancy, you should contact your rent service officer as soon as possible by:
Calling 020 8430 2000 and asking for the Rent Service
Writing to us at:
Rent Services
Bridge House
320 Stratford High Street
E15 1EP
Or you can email your rent services officer using the email address on letters he or she has sent to you.