Non-Attendance at School – Formal Action

Non-Attendance at School – Formal Action

London Borough of Newham is committed to raising attendance in order to maximise the educational possibilities available to all children and young people.

Regular and punctual attendance at school is essential and a legal requirement.

If you are experiencing difficulties in ensuring the regular school attendance of your child, we are here for you!

Whatever the reasons are for your child not attending school, please let us know, we care, and we are here to support you and your child.

If your child is anxious or worried about going to school, ask the school for help. Every child is entitled to additional support to help them engage with learning and there will be a named member of staff who has a specific responsibility for this.

Our aim is for non-attendance to be resolved through effective partnership working with parents, pupils, schools, our Attendance Targeted Support Service and other agencies. However, where it has not been possible to resolve non-attendance, or parents actively prevent, or fail to ensure that their children access education, legal sanctions can and will be considered.

School Attendance Order