Support with daily living activities

Support with taking your medication

BSL Support

If you find it hard to take your prescribed medication as directed, there are things that you can do to make it easy for you to take them on your own.

Some simple things that you can do yourself are:

  • Keep a diary or planner and tick of each dose as you take it
  • Set your clock or mobile alarm to remind you
  • Put your medication in a place that is part of your daily routine, such as, next to your breakfast things, on your dining table or eating tray.

You can buy a range of aids to help you take your medicines such as:

  • Dosette boxes with alarms or
  • Special containers that are easier to open.

You can purchase these from your pharmacist and other retailers.

If you need further support 

You can talk to your GP who can review your medicines and find other ways to help you such as:

  • Referring you to the district nurses and community health visitors who may review your needs and provide you with support
  • Provide other medicines such as capsules or liquid that are easier to take.

You can also talk to your pharmacist who can provide advice and also identify aids to help you take your prescribed medication. For example:

  • Transferring your prescription into a dosette box which is marked with the days of the week and the times at which you should take your medication
  • Provide a prescription collection and delivery service, if you can't do this yourself. But you will need to check with your pharmacist first.

If you are getting a care package that includes visits to your home, then we may be able to provide you with reminders if our visit coincides with your medication time.

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