Section 117

Section 117 Aftercare is a legal duty that is placed on health and social services to provide after care services for individuals who have been detained under specific sections of the Mental Health Act 1083 (2007). This duty comes into effect once the person has been discharged from hospital.

Who is eligible?

A person who has been detained under Sections 3, 37, 45A, 47 or 48 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (2007) or has been placed on a Community Treatment order (section 17A) becomes eligible for S117 upon discharge from hospital.

What type of care and support can someone get under Section 117?

The aim of Section 117 is to provide the appropriate aftercare services that will reduce the risk of deterioration in someone’s mental health and therefore avoid further hospital admissions.

Health and social care are both responsible for providing the aftercare needed to meet someone’s mental health needs.

Once a person’s needs have been assessed, services will develop a support plan in partnership with the person that requires the support.  

How long does S117 Aftercare last?

S117 Aftercare lasts as long as there is a need to be met, and must remain in place until such a time that both the Local Authority and the Health Authority are satisfied the person no longer has needs that require aftercare services

S117 Aftercare cannot be withdrawn without reassessing the person’s needs. The person who is entitled to S117 Aftercare must be fully involved in any decision-making process with regard to the ending of aftercare.

Will I be charged for Section 117 Aftercare services?

Local Authorities do not charge for services that are provided to people under their S117 Aftercare duties. S117 Aftercare funding is designed to cover the cost of meeting all of the person’s mental health related support needs that would prevent admission to hospital. If the person has physical health needs and mental health needs, S117 may not cover the full cost of their support package. In some cases a top-up is required to fill the funding gap.

How often will my Care Plan be reviewed?

Services aim to review the person’s Care Plan at least once a year. This should involve the person, who is entitled to S117 Aftercare, carers and family, and the people involved in the person’s care.

If the person’s circumstances change, the care plan can be reviewed earlier.