Safeguarding training opportunities

Introduction to PREVENT e-learning

BSL Support

This e-learning has been developed by HM Government following consultation with a range of individuals and organisations.

It has benefitted from the feedback of:

  • Teachers
  • Local authority officials
  • Community-based groups
  • Youth workers.

Course content

This e-learning module explains how it aims to safeguard vulnerable people from being radicalised to supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists themselves.

The training offers an introduction to the PREVENT duty and will provide an important foundation to develop further knowledge around the:

  • Risks of radicalisation
  • Role that you can play in supporting those at risk.

All forms of terrorism and non-violent extremism will be addressed during the training, including far right wing and Islamist extremism threatening the UK.

Accessing the course

Registering on the course will allow you to:

  • Access and complete the course
  • Pause or save an existing session
  • Download a certificate of completion.

Register on Introduction to Prevent e-learning course

Introduction to Prevent e-learning

If you have any queries regarding this module, please email.