Safeguarding resources for professionals

Modern day slavery & human trafficking

BSL Support

On this page you will find links to resources to support with safeguarding adults, modern day slavery and human trafficking.

The term ‘Modern Slavery' captures a whole range of types of exploitation, many of which occur together. These include but are not limited to:

  • Sexual exploitation
  • Domestic servitude
  • Forced labour
  • Criminal exploitation
  • Servitude and slavery
  • Trafficking of people.

Other forms of exploitation include organ removal; forced begging; forced benefit fraud; forced marriage and illegal adoption.

Modern slavery and human trafficking are notoriously difficult crimes to deal with in terms of safeguarding and are far less visible than other forms of abuse. These crimes primarily rely on identification and an understanding of how to support individuals /groups through safe enquiry.

For more information on how to spot the signs of human trafficking and modern day slavery, visit Unseen UK 

The National Referral Mechanism

The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for identifying and referring potential victims of modern slavery and human trafficking to ensure they receive the appropriate support.

The process for reporting victims to the NRM scheme and the local authority safeguarding duties are clearly defined in the Anti – Slavery London Working Group & Human Trafficking Foundation local authority guidance.

The guidance includes accessible documents for information on:

  • Identifying victims or potential victims of Modern Slavery
  • Local authority protocols and duties
  • How to make a referral.

For further information regarding modern slavery, visit