Mental capacity and deprivation of liberty safeguards

Deprivation of liberty in other settings

BSL Support

People who lack capacity maybe deprived of their liberty in other settings e.g. supported living units, their own home or other settings.

When deprivations of liberty arise because of a care plan arranged by health and social services, these arrangements may need to go to the Court of Protection for oversight.

Anyone who is concerned that care plans in these settings may amount to a deprivation of liberty should ask the relevant care manager to consider making an application directly to the Court of Protection.

Please contact the Access to Adult Social Care Team.

Access to Adult Social Care Team

If you have an enquiry related to Adult Social Care then contact the Access to Adult Social Care Team. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4.45pm. When calling please select Option 2 for the Access to Adult Social Care team. Textphone: 18001 020 8430 2000

Telephone: 020 8430 2000