Health and wellbeing in Newham

Health and wellbeing services in your area

The Well Newham Directory of Services (powered by Joy) is a directory of all the different health and wellbeing services you can access in Newham. 

There are over 450 Newham-based services listed on the platform. From stop smoking services, to free nutrition courses, to legal advice and social events near you, it's now really easy to find out what's happening in your community. 

Visit our directory and simply type in your address to find out what is on offer near you.

If you find a service you like, you can self-refer yourself or your family members to the service by hitting the big blue 'refer now' button on each service listing. 

Have any trouble using the directory of services?

If you have any questions, or have any trouble using the directory, please email 

For more information, please visit our website.

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Well Newham

Visit Well Newham online for local support with your health and wellbeing

Pages related to health and wellbeing in Newham