Carers getting into work

Support in the workplace

BSL Support

As somebody combining a caring role with paid employment you are likely to need support in the workplace, at different times and on a number of different levels.

There are millions of people who combine being a carer with having a job. One of the ways an employer can support carers who are working is by making them aware of their right to work​- flexibly and to seriously consider flexible working. Flexible working is not just about part-time working, it can include:

  • Flexible starting and finishing times or time in lieu arrangements
  • Compressed working hours
  • Annualised working hours
  • Job sharing or part-time employment
  • Working from home
  • Flexible holidays to fit in with alternative care arrangements
  • Purchased leave.

Documents related to support in the workplace

Working Families

Working Families is the UK’s leading work-life balance organisation. The charity helps working parents and carers and their employers find a better balance between responsibilities at home and work.

Newham Council

As a major local employer, the Council supports carers in the workforce by promoting flexible working arrangement which allow carers to remain in, or return to work. Get in touch for further details and to see what vacancies are currently available.