Newham Supported Internship Programme (NSIP)
What is the Newham Supported Internship Programme (NSIP)?
NSIP is a partnership between:
- Newham Council
- Newham College
- Barts Health NHS Trust
- John Lewis
- Waitrose
To support young people with health and social care needs and/ or SEND to gain skills to help them get into work (paid or self-employment).
The aim
Offer training and direct work experience, to help young people to develop:
- Employability skills
- Self-confidence
- Job specific skills e.g communication, team working and problem solving
- Maths, English and IT skills
- Knowledge and attitudes to prepare them for paid work.
Entry requirements
To join, participants must be:
- Aged between 16-30 years
- Committed to progressing into paid employment
- Willing and committed to undertake training and direct work experience, to develop the skills needed to gain paid employment.
How the placement works
The programme will run for 10 months (from September to June). The participants will complete 3 unpaid work experience rotations. Each rotation is 10 -11 weeks.
This programme will take place in a workplace setting/business site (employers’ premises) where young people will undertake work experience alongside other employees.
Tutorials for functional and employability skills (including Maths and English) will be delivered in a base room at the workplace (employers’ site). The curriculum covers work behaviour, team work, communication, problem solving, budgeting and technology.
The work experience/placements is 5 days a week with 1 full day spent in their base room learning functional and employability skills. The remaining 4 days will be spent on work experience. The group will on average include up to 12 young people depending on their support needs.
Types of roles/opportunities
Placements may include:
- Library duties
- Catering
- Administration
- Concierge
- Records/ data entry
- IT Support
- Reception duties.
Who to contact for more information
Joseph Kunyeda - Supported Employment manager (Newham Council)
Tel: 020 3373 4948