Equipment for daily living

Returning equipment provided by Adult Social Care

BSL Support

Please contact Enabled Living Healthcare on 020 3373 2222 if you already have equipment that has been provided by Newham and wish to return it because:

  • You no longer need it
  • It is faulty
  • It no longer meets your needs.

If you have equipment that no longer meets your needs because your needs have changed, please contact the Access to Social Care Team for a reassessment.

Enabled Living Healthcare

Customer Service Team, 7 Alpine Way, Beckton, E6 6LA.

Telephone: 020 3373 2222

Access to Adult Social Care Team

If you have an enquiry related to Adult Social Care then contact the Access to Adult Social Care Team. Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm Friday 9am-4.45pm. When calling please select Option 2 for the Access to Adult Social Care team. Textphone: 18001 020 8430 2000

Telephone: 020 8430 2000