Direct payments

What are your responsibilities as an employer?

We have a created a handy information guide which sets out what you need to know about employing Personal Assistants (PA’s) and what your responsibilities will be as an employer.

You will have to show that you are using the money to meet your assessed needs and keep records such as receipts, invoices and any other documents related to your spending. We can ask to see these records from time to time.

It is important not to mix your personal finances with your direct payment because you need to keep separate records of how you spend your direct payment.

If you use a care agency, you need to make sure that they comply with current registration requirements. Our direct payments team will explain this to you.

If you decide to employ your own personal assistant, you will need to be fully aware of your responsibilities as an employer.

These responsibilities include, but are not limited to;

  • income tax
  • national insurance contributions
  • employer’s liability insurance
  • employer's pension contributions.

We will provide all the support you need to set up your direct payment and we will be in touch from time to time to make sure everything is running smoothly.

You can call our Direct Payments Team on 020 3373 4061 or contact the team by email at if you need a little extra help or support.

With my Direct Payment I choose and employ carers that are really suited to me. The paperwork is not too difficult either.  - Newham resident

Training for PAs and carers

Grey Matter Learning is an online training platform that offers a range of e-learning courses covering a wide range of knowledge and skills relevant to working as a personal assistant. The courses include autism, dementia, and safeguarding.

This is a fully funded resource that the London Borough of Newham are offering to Personal Assistants and Direct Employers, meaning you or your PA can access the training for free!

If you are currently employed as a PA supporting someone in Newham and are interested in accessing this free e-learning, please contact for further information.

You can also apply for funding for training for you and your PAs through the Skills for Care Individual Employer Fund.  This funding can be used to cover training costs to develop your skills as an employer, direct costs of completing training/qualifications, hiring replacement support whilst your usual PA is attending training courses and travel.